1912 4 ¼ HP Precision SV

Appearance As picture.



Engine - 4 ¼ h.p. Precision side valve single cylinder, 90 mm. bore x 96 mm. stroke giving a capacity of 600 c.c.  

Carburettor - B & B fitted as standard.

Ignition - Bosch magneto.

Transmission - Calthorpe two-speed countershaft gear, complete with kick starter, OR with three-speed Armstrong gear, OR with single fixed drive.

Frame - Heavy Druid forks, spring stand,

Standard Fittings - Brooks B104 Saddle, wide mudguards and large magneto guard. 



Side-Car, Coach-built body with hood and windscreen.


Patent application 5927, 1911, filed 9th March 1911, accepted 7th March 1912.

Motor Cycle, October 5th 1911

Motor Cycling, 21st November 1911

Motor Cycle, 23rd November 1911

Bicycling News and Motor Review, September 11th 1912 (4 ¼ HP model)