1914 2 h.p. Calthorpe Junior Motorcyclette
Appearance As picture
Engine - 2 h.p. four-stroke Precision Junior, 60 m.m. x 60 m.m. Bore and Stroke having a capcity of 170 c.c., overhead horizontal valves.
Carburetter - Amac or B & B.
Ignition - U.H. magneto.
Lubrication - Best and Loyd pump feed.
Tank - Tubular (torpedo) shape contianing 3 quarts of petrol and a pint of oil.
Gearbox - Counter-shaft integral with crank case, 7 and 17 to 1.
Transmission - Pedley V Belt on variable pulley.
Brakes - Heel operarted foot brake to 14in. belt rim. Front rim brake operated by Bowden lever on handlebar.
Wheels: 26" x 1 3/4" nickel-plated rims with black lines.
Frame - Druid forks, 5½in. Ground clearance, Wheelbase 52in., Height of saddle from ground 29½in.
Mudguards - Strong and wide, Front fender with side panels.
Lubrication - Hand pump.
Standard Fittings - Footboards, Rear stand, carrier, pannier tool bags and side-wings on mudguards.
Additional Information - (Available to members in downloads section)
- 1914 Sales Brochure
- 1914 Precision Engine Article - The Motor Cycle Nov. 1913.
- 1914 Calthorpe Models - The Motor Cycle Nov. 1913.
- Advertisements as published in 1914.
- 1914 Sales Brochure