1919 3 ½ h.p. "Calthorpe-Precision" Two-Stroke
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Engine - 3 ½ h.p. Precision Two-Stroke, 74 mm. bore and 81 mm. stroke having a capacity of 350 c.c.
There was no catalogue produced for 1919, and while there is no recoreded survivors, it is assumed a few of these machines must have been made.
The Precision model was produced in the chaos of the first post war year, and by early 1920, Calthorpe had bought the rights to the Peco Two-Stroke engine. The line-up soon changed to include this leaving no room for a second Two-Stoke machine, and the Precision model was dropped.
Additional Information - (Available to members in downloads section)
- The Motor Cycle, May 22nd 1919 - The Levis Cup Report Article.
- Calthorpe Letter, Dated 28th July 1919.