1927 147cc Villiers - Featherweight C.2.

 1927 featherweight

Appearance As picture 



Engine - 1½ h.p. Villiers, 55 mm. x 62 mm. bore and stroke, having a capcity of 147 c.c. Roller big end.

Carburettor - Villers.

Magneto - Villiers Flywheel.

Transmission - Gearbox, with 3-speed, clutch and kick starter. ⅝ in. Dunlop belt.

Wheels & Tyres - 24in. x 2in..

Frame - Weldless steel tubing, Spring forks.

Brake - Front stirrup, rear heal pedal.

Standard Fittings - Patent pan seat, stand, carrier, tools and pannier bags.



With or without lighting set.


Additional Information  - (Available to members in downloads section)

  • 1927 Sales Brochure.
  • Advertisements as published in 1927.
  • The Motor Cycle, July 21st, 1927 - Road Test of the 500cc OHC G1 Model.


  • 1927 Sales Brochure.