1929 OHV Popular
Appearance As picture
Engine - 3 ½ h.p. 4-stroke OHV, 74mm. x 81mm. bore and stroke, having a capacity of 348c.c., enclosed overhead rocker gear, running on roller bearings and automatically lubricated from timing case. Double row roller big end and main bearing.
Lubrication - Mechanical oil pump on engine shaft, direct to big end under pressure, adjustable sight feed visability from saddle.
Carburettor - AMAC with adjustable pilot jet.
Tank - 2 gallons petrol, 1 quarts oil, enamelled lustre black, lined panel gold.
Ignition - B.T.H. varibale magneto.
Gearbox - Burman 3-speed with clutch, kick starter and shcok absorber, heavy roller chain front and back.
Wheels and Tyres - 27 x 2.75 in. , with North British W.O. Sports tyres.
Frame - Weldless steel tubing, strong girder spring forks.
Brakes - 6in. internal expanding hub front and rear.
Standard Fittings - Patent spring seat, front and rear stands, 5in. heavy section mudguards with stays, carrier and toolbags, with complete set of tools and grease gun, knee grips fitted to tank.
Finsished in 4 coats best black lustre enamel.
Sidecar - Coach-built, well sprung, rear locker, apron, windscreen.
Additional Information - (Available to members in downloads section)
- 1929 Sales Brochure.
- 1929 Ivory Sales Brochure.
- Advertisements as published in 1929.
- 350cc Instruction Book and Spare Parts List.
- The Motor Cycle, 1929, Road Test of the 350cc Ivory.
- Motor Cycling, 1929, Road Tests of 350cc Ivory.